I know I’m not alone when I say, the results of the election took me by surprise. I believe it took Trump supporters by surprise as well. My emotions are in disarray attempting to fathom how this…. man has countless supporters. Even more, many I call friends. For my own sanity, I’ve derived at the conclusion that my friends are just plain die-hard Republicans no matter who is on the ballot… yeah, moving on.

I woke up to Newsfeeds and Facebook post of celebration and my stomach literally wanted to expel last’s night dinner. It pains me deeply that a man could be as reckless with his words/actions, be endorsed by David Duke, boastfully degrade women, have rape charges of a thirteen year old girl filed against him (which I am certain will manage to be buried under somebody’s rug in the coming months), publicly mocked a disabled journalist, degraded Mexican people openly. He has referred to various Nationalities and groups of people as, “the” blacks “the” Hispanics “the” Muslims; as well as, paid for a public ad that sought the death penalty for five innocent black teenagers accused of rape, who were all later exonerated. The list goes on and on; yet, this man still managed to win the most powerful position in the United States of America. Mind-blowing! After all, I thought we were moving forward with equality, women’s rights and so forth. Obviously, I couldn’t be more wrong.

After all, I thought we were moving forward with equality, women’s rights and so forth. Obviously, I couldn’t be more wrong.

Once my stomach settled…slightly and somehow, my optimistic self-returned, I had an epiphany. I actually want to thank Trump. Hear me out. For the last eight years, I thought I was crazy. Here we have a black man and a politician with absolutely no “dirt” on his name or scandals to denounce his character run for office. He wins the presidency for two terms… TWO! Yet, I’ve felt the pangs of racism more than ever. I have heard comments and witnessed actions that were both troubling and appalling in the streets, on my job, and even at my church. I have lived the last eight years of people attempting to convince me racism is all in my head or that I’m stirring up divisiveness with my own skewed perceptions of police brutality, unfair treatment, and alarming numbers of incarcerated black men for petty crimes. Trump, thank you for proving I’m not crazy.

I have lived the last eight years of people attempting to convince me racism is all in my head or that I’m stirring up divisiveness with my own skewed perceptions of police brutality, unfair treatment, and alarming numbers of incarcerated black men for petty crimes. Trump, thank you for proving I’m not crazy.

Thank you for exposing that America remains a country full of racist, bigots, sexist, misogynic, ignorant and hatred-filled people. Your run for the presidency enabled the “liquid courage” needed. It provided the confidence to be boastful and apologetically wear a t-shirt at the polls that literally say, “put white back in the White House.” It saddens me, angers me and renders me slightly hopeless in my country, “America the free, home of the brave” where a man can joke about grabbing a woman’s “pussy” and win the presidency by a country mile. It is mystifying that a presidential candidate in 2016 has a slogan that renders, “make America great again,” in a country with a long history of oppression of others (people who aren’t rich white men).  I’m thinking he forgot about invading someone else’s land where Native Americans were just about dissipated and don’t get me started on that damn pipeline, which I’m certain he will not intervene in. Perhaps, slavery slipped his mind. The Civil Rights movement? What about women not being able to vote? I’m guessing all those aspects of American history lapsed his memory while he was playing golf on his million dollar golf course, or is it billion?

Nevertheless, another potential positive was realized, just maybe Trump did something good.

Nevertheless, another potential positive was realized… just, maybe, Trump did something good.He made it possible for a non-politician to win the presidency. In addition, he opened the door to the idea that your past can no longer disqualify you for Commander-in-chief. Okay, I’m not so sure that’s a positive. However, look at this way, it may not look like it now, but this is a game-changer.Hopefully, this will shake up Washington, which needed a shaking up after the trash of the two candidates to choose from.

Hopefully, this will shake up Washington, which needed a shaking up after the trash of the two candidates to choose from.

Now, I’m not naive to believe he is the first racist, misogynic president we’ve had, but he is by far the most honest about it. Perhaps, this is a step in a direction where it possible to have quality candidates and not repeat the travesty of election 2016. Let’s be hopefully America. I know it’s hard, but right now, optimism is all we’ve got. Optimism and a former playboy model in the White House. Either way, I believe the ultimate ruler of this Nation is God and He will forever remain in control of it all. God. Bless. America!

-Ebby LeBlanc

4 Responses

  1. Our family has talked about the same. We are thankful that truth is finally be exposed in people’s hearts. That there’s no longer this political rightness or hiding. Although I’m still pretty angry about the whole situation

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