I am beyond excited right now! I was nominated by two beautiful bloggers Gina’s Blog and ToksDavid for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you, Ladies!!!! Both of these blogs I thoroughly enjoy! They both exhibit amazing writing and post! Please go check them out!

The Rules
A) Thank the person that has nominated you & include a link to their blog.
B) Nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice.
C) Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.
D) Share seven different facts about yourself.

My Nominees: I’m nominating 5 for now due to time restraints.






Now here’s the hard part, sharing facts about myself, go figure.


  1. I have about six novels in my head that I’m yet to get on paper. I’m working on it though.
  2. My favorite author, and I just recently stumbled upon her is Chimamanda Adiche
  3. I love Star Wars
  4. One of  my favorite T.V. Shows is Reign
  5. I am obsessed with making a list for everything.
  6. I have kept all of my dairies/journals since I was 8. Its pretty interesting reading the thoughts of eight year old me.
  7. My favorite color is yellow, but I like to decorate with red and I prefer wearing the colors blue and green. I guess, I’m slightly confused.

Thanks again ladies for the nomination! I truly, truly appreciate it!!!


Living in the Moment, Ebby Lane ♥



EMAIL: Ebbyslane@gmail.com

FACEBOOK : Ebby Lane

TWITTER: Ebby_lane

10 Responses

  1. Congratulations Ebby Lane and thank you for the nomination 🙂

    I love Chimamanda too. I have read Purple Hibiscus, Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun. She is such an awesome writer. Enjoy Americanah 🙂

  2. Congrats! And I’m with you on number 6! Also, Chimamanda is a fabulous author. After reading Half of a yellow Sun you should also try to watch the film recently made of it. They’re both tear-jerkers & really interesting & revealing of the Biafran war crisis in the 60s!

  3. Lol about the colour fest, I can get slightly confused about certain favourites of mine too. Can’t we just love it all?! Haha!

    Thanks a lot for the nomination ma’am. I’m beyond floored that you think me worthy of it. It’s been a great pleasure reading through your posts and reading your thoughts on mine. Cheers to many more days of writing our hearts out– likes, shares and insightful comments too! <3

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