Ayesha Curry, wife of basketball player, Stephen Curry sparked Twitter frenzy over this past weekend with her comment about her preferred style of dress. Her exact words, “Everyone’s into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style. I like to keep the good stuff covered up for the one who matters.” After reading that, I immediately pressed the like button, because I wholeheartedly agree. Women are wearing less and less clothing and some, none at all. Have you seen Miley Cyrus lately? Now, don’t get me wrong, mini dresses are cute and I love the backless shirt/dress thing. However, I do believe the less and less clothing trend is “getting out of hand” for lack of a better phrase.

Many took offense to Ayesha statement, arguing that she was shaming women and suggesting skimpy clothes in some way implies a woman is promiscuous. I didn’t get that from her comment. She merely expressed her preferred style of dress. Nowhere in that tweet is she degrading or shaming women who choose otherwise. That’s the thing about the media and people nowadays; we are easily offended by people who think differently than we do. We perceive their lack of support or difference in opinion as some sort of personal attack. For instance, the #blacklivesmatter, which does not mean people who are not black lives don’t matter. It is simply stating that black lives matter TOO or when America legalized gay marriage and a person didn’t put a rainbow on their profile picture to celebrate, but that’s for another post.

I digress, this conversation reminds me of comment I posted on Facebook a few weeks back about how the more famous a woman becomes, the more naked she seems to get; as if, nakedness equals relevancy. I shouted out Janelle Monae, Heather Headley and even Taylor Swift for not giving into the hype. My comment was in reference to the “Slut Walk” that Amber Rose did, a declaration that it is a woman’s prerogative to be a slut if she wants to be. *insert dropped jaw here* Whether we admit it or not, women in the entertainment industry heavily influence the trends of the everyday woman. Many entertainers attribute the less clothing trend, coinciding with the taboo “Slut Walk” campaign, as a supposed proclamation of female empowerment and feminism. The way I see it, it sounds more like an excuse than a cause. Let’s be real, entertainers like Beyonce, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Ariana Grande are wearing less clothing because “sex sells” not because of feminism or female empowerment. In addition, majority of women who dress proactively/ skimpy are doing it for attention, mainly attention of men. You can theoretically blame this whole era of getting naked on women’s rights, but at the same time must admit it is still driven by men. Female empowerment? Sounds more like regression to me. Nevertheless, how is this empowering anyhow, promoting the idea that wearing less clothing is somehow embodying feminism, while raising a woman’s chances of being sexually assaulted and/or raped. In addition, encourage women that it is okay to have multiple partners, while making them more susceptible to STD’s and emotional distress. Perhaps, I am being extreme, but how does dressing more proactively or being promiscuous add value to feminism? More importantly, what message are we sending to our little girls who are growing up to believe showing off their bodies leads to success and being promiscuous is just another part of a woman’s freedom.

I get it; we live in an era where women have more control over our own lives, including what we choose to wear, or how little for that matter. I am all for female empowerment, feminism, and not being limited by societal opinions. Now call me old fashion, but is it wrong or in some way destructive to the cause for a woman’s body to be enjoyed by the one who matters, and not her 300,000 followers? Is it damaging or wrong to promote the idea of falling in love before having sex; better yet, marriage before sex? I recall the backlash singer Ciara and football player Russell Wilson received for declaring they are waiting till marriage to have sex, as if their choice was somehow detrimental to society.

Now, a woman has the freedom and choice to dress however she chooses. Likewise, she has the choice to have sex with as many men as she pleases too. Though, I refuse to pardon the whole “slut walk” campaign. That is far from empowering and I am certain even the most non-conservative person would agree. Though, we have the freedom to do these things, should we? And, if it is truly for empowerment or feminism and not some form of attention-seeking or people-pleasing, why not, “keep the good stuff for the one who matters?” Just a thought.

What is your take on Ayesha Curry’s tweet, offensive or taken out of context? Comment below.

Your Moment is now,

Ebby Lane


15 Responses

  1. Lovely post ma’am, and indeed I agree with you on all grounds. Female empowerment is good, self expression is perfect; but the damage to this, more often than not, is that– we so much aspire for perfection and acceptability, that we forget that these things are subjective. We do not all have to do the same things to get the same results. We are increasingly shifting towards an era where we seek validation and acceptance from the media and society, where confidence is shaped by how much we fit in… it seems to get worse. It is a damning struggle, but we are fighting it somehow…

    1. Yes! I love how you said, “we are shifting towards an era where we seek validation and acceptance from the media and society, where confidence is shaped by how we fit in…” I couldn’t have said it better. It is a sad truth, but I love that I am seeing many women be unafraid to stand out and unapologetically truth to themselves.

  2. I blogged about how girls these days girls seem to play the nude card in order to get a point across and somehow it has become some sort of trend.
    The truth is nothing should ever push a woman to reduce themselves to the point of leaving nothing to the imagination..
    Our girls need to taught that your thoughts and ideas matter and there is no need to strip to put your point across. ..
    Great insight

  3. I like your portrayal of feminism I think it’s demeaning if it becomes limited to exhibitionism. Anand Bose from Kerala.

  4. That’s so funny– I just wrote a blog post about this kind of saying the opposite. My overall issue with her comments is that I don’t think she had to say anything at all. Who she is and how she dresses is clear to anyone who knows what the Curry’s are about. Her tone (i.e. the laughing emoticons) came off as condescending to those who don’t dress like her and the tweets were clearly a response to those who have made negative comments about her style but I think she should not care at all. As I mentioned in my post, leading by example is the answer sometimes because when you clapback it makes people feel as if you are judging.

    I also want to say, that I don’t think Amber Rose’s Slut Walk was about glorifying being a slut, it has more to do with why does society care so much about the number of men women sleep with and subsequently refer to women as sluts but not men. Somehow Amber Rose is a slut but Kim Kardashian is not? It doesn’t seem fair. Just my two cents…

    Anyway, I enjoyed this post. Keep doing what you do–peace!

    1. First, thank you Softwatches84 for reading! I appreciate it! I definitely see your side of things with the laughing emoticons, she could have done without that. Other than that, I didn’t see the harm in her comment. The “Slut Walk” thing, society does have way of holding women to a different standard than men. If that was her overall message, she could of done that differently. However, that’s just my opinion. : ) Again, I appreciate you reading and I love the feedback! I would love to check out your blog and your take on this.

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